'''Mail: Call for Papers: ISCA-37 THE 37th ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE ([[tmaeno]], <>)''' {{{#!html
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                           June 19 - 23, 2010
                           Saint-Malo, France
                  Sponsored by ACM SIGARCH & IEEE TCCA

URL: http://isca2010.inria.fr/ 

Abstract Deadline:     November  9th, 2009, 1:00PM PST
Final Paper Deadline:  November 16th, 2009, 1:00PM PST

The International Symposium Computer Architecture is the premier forum
for new ideas and experimental results in computer architecture. This
year's conference will be held in the beautiful Saint-Malo, France. 

Novel papers are solicited on a broad range of topics, including, but
not limited to:
 * Processor, memory, and storage systems architecture
 * Parallel and multi-core systems and interconnection networks
 * Instruction, thread, and data-level parallelism
 * Architecture support for programming productivity, debugging &
   correctness, reliability & fault tolerance, security, and
 * Power and energy efficient architectures
 * Application specific, reconfigurable, and embedded architectures
 * Network processor and router architectures
 * Architectures for emerging technologies and applications
 * Effect of circuits and technology on architecture
 * Architecture modeling and simulation methodology
 * Performance evaluation and measurement of real systems
 * Architecture and analysis of emerging computing platforms, such as
   mobile devices, game consoles, and datacenter-scale computing

We also encourage papers describing forward looking, Qualitative Out of
the Box, ideas (QOB). These QOB papers (marked by the authors as such)
will get separate PC attention: reviews will take into account the
qualitative, creativity and novelty flavors of these papers. The QOB
papers may be shorter than the regular paper and may not always be
subjected to the rigorous quantitative evaluations and comparisons that
are possible in more established areas.


 * General Chair -------------- André Seznec, INRIA Rennes
 * Program Chairs ------------- Uri Weiser, Technion
                                Ronny Ronen, Intel
 * Local Arrangements Chairs -- Elisabeth Lebret, INRIA Rennes 
                                Pierre Michaud, INRIA Rennes
 * Workshops/Tutorials Chair -- Yanos Sazeides, U of Cyprus
 * Finance Chair -------------- Isabelle Puaut, Université de Rennes I
 * Publications Chair --------- Gabriel Loh, Georgia Tech
 * Publicity Chairs ----------- Hans Vandierendonk, Ghent Univ.
                                Mattan Erez, UT Austin
 * Web Chair ------------------ Erven Rohou, INRIA Rennes
 * Submissions Chair ---------- Zvika Guz, Technion
 * Student travel grant ------- David Kaeli, Northeastern Univ.

Program Committee:
 * David Albonesi, Cornell
 * Todd Austin, U of Michigan
 * Bryan Black, AMD
 * David Brooks, Harvard
 * Doug Burger, Microsoft
 * Brad Calder, Microsoft
 * Doug Carmean, Intel
 * Tom Conte, Georgia Tech
 * Giuseppe Desoli, STMicroelectronics
 * Al Davis, U of Utah
 * Sandhya Dwarkadas, U of Rochester
 * Lieven Eeckhout, Ghent Univ.
 * Mattan Erez, UT Austin
 * Babak Falsafi, EPFL, Lausanne 
 * Paolo Faraboschi, HP Labs
 * Antonio González, Intel & UPC Barcelona
 * Michael Gschwind, IBM
 * Kim Hazelwood, U of Virginia
 * Wen-mei Hwu, U of Illinois
 * Hyesoon Kim, Georgia Tech
 * Martha Kim, Columbia
 * Miko Lipatsi, U of Wisconsin
 * Gabriel Loh, Georgia Tech
 * Scott Mahlke, U of Michigan
 * José Martínez, Cornell
 * Margaret Martonosi, Princeton
 * Avi Mendelson, Microsoft
 * Shubu Mukherjee, Intel
 * Onur Mutlu, CMU
 * Mike O'Boyle, U of Edinburgh
 * Emre Özer, ARM
 * Kunle Olukotun, Stanford
 * Sanjay Patel, U of Illinois
 * Li-Shiuan Peh, Princeton
 * Moinuddin Qureshi, IBM
 * Amir Roth, U of Penn
 * Yanos Sazeides, U of Cyprus
 * Kevin Skadron, U of Virginia
 * Jim Smith, Intel
 * Guri Sohi, U of Wisconsin
 * Per Stenström, Chalmers
 * Olivier Temam, INRIA
 * Josep Torrellas, U of Illinois
 * Dean Tullsen, UCSD
 * Mateo Valero, UPC Barcelona 
 * David Wood, U of Wisconsin

Steering Committee:
 * Luiz André Barroso, Google 
 * Doug Burger, Microsoft Research 
 * Jesse Fang, Intel 
 * Wen-mei Hwu, U of Illinois 
 * Steve Keckler, UT Austin 
 * Kai Li, Princeton 
 * Josep Torrellas, U of Illinois 
 * Mateo Valero, UPC Barcelona 
 * Per Stenström, Chalmers

URL: http://isca2010.inria.fr/
